Bridgtown Primary School

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North Street, Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0AZ

01543 227100

Bridgtown Primary School


  1. About Us


​​'Hand in hand-building for the future'

​​​At Bridgtown we acknowledge the uniqueness of all children, their ability to be creative and challenged, to celebrate their diversity, interests, cultures and talents. We have high expectations and challenge them to be confident, happy and reach their full potential.


We aim to provide a secure, happy and welcoming learning environment that is inclusive of all pupils. We encourage children and their parents to take part, to be active, to take responsibility and contribute to the school community and work in partnership with us to help the children to achieve their goals. We believe in doing our best and having the courage to take risks and celebrate our success which will enable us to become successful and confident learners.


We seek to meet our aims with a "Bridgtown Smile". This reflects our positive attitude to life, learning and relationships and is an important part of the ethos of the school. We see our school reflecting a society where the individuals, whatever their age or status act responsibly towards each other, praise each other, care for each other and act with a high degree of individual responsibility.


We see our school as an inclusive community in which all members are valued.​