Bridgtown Primary School

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Bridgtown Primary School


  1. Curriculum
  2. Maths

Curriculum - Maths

It is our vision is that all children in our school develop a sound understanding of Maths, equipping them with the skills of calculation, reasoning and problem solving that they need in life beyond school.  We want a curriculum that is accessible to all and will maximise the development of every child’s ability and academic achievement. Mathematics is an important part of the modern world and with this in mind we endeavour to ensure that children develop a healthy and enthusiastic attitude towards Mathematics that will stay with them to encourage economic well-being. It is our belief that our children should see mathematics as applicable to their world and relevant to their everyday lives now; as they move on through their school lives and ultimately into the ‘real’ world. We believe that the key skills of reasoning, problem solving and recall are crucial to a child’s success across the curriculum and for life-long learning. We provide an interesting, engaging and challenging Maths curriculum that is embedded in high-quality recourses including practical and concrete work which motivates, excites and challenges the children.

It is our aim; all children will have the opportunity to:

  • Enjoy mathematics, be successful and have a positive attitude to the subject
  • Develop a sound understanding of basic mathematical concepts through direct teaching, practical and investigational work
  • Acquire appropriate and necessary mathematical skills and to apply them confidently and accurately
  • Be able to demonstrate their skills and knowledge and talk about their work using appropriate mathematical language
  • Develop thinking skills and logically apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems
  • Use mathematics as part of their everyday life in school and at home



Curriculum Rationale

Curriculum Rationale-Maths

At Bridgtown Primary School we use the White Rose scheme of work and adapt it to meet the learning needs of the children.   

Mathematics begins in the EYFS with the development of a variety of mathematical concepts including counting, place value, addition and subtraction within 10, shape, space and pattern, doubling, halving, odd and even numbers and measurement. Children in the Foundation Stage are entitled to have access to the curriculum as described in the EYFS.  Children in Years 1-6 are entitled to have access to the “The national Curriculum in England - Mathematics”

  At Bridgtown Primary School we use White Rose Maths Schemes of Learning as a starting point in order to develop a coherent and comprehensive conceptual pathway through mathematics. The scheme is adapted to meet the needs of the learners within each classroom.   The focus is on the whole class progressing together.  Staff plan and adapt their teaching to enable and extend learning within the classroom.   Learning is broken down into small, connected steps, building from what pupils already know.  We want our pupils to develop an understanding of mathematics through a process of enquiry and investigation using a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach.  Children can really see what they are doing when working out calculations, enabling them to make connections and thus giving them the knowledge to reason about their work.  Once a small step is obtained children can progress to their next point of learning.  The scheme offers a sequence of progression that is built upon over time.   A clear skill progression for each year group enables pupils to move forward in their learning and to make progress throughout their learning journey.  

Key questioning is used throughout the school to develop critical thinkers.  The White Rose Maths Scheme offers a sequence of small steps that enables the learner to build understanding.  It has defined end points to enable staff and children to understand the progress and attainment for each year group.    Misconceptions and misunderstandings are planned for and addressed daily through modelling to ensure every child is able to make good progress. The use of stem sentences are used to develop the learners understanding of Maths and enable each pupil to use the correct vocabulary when discussing their learning. They are crucial in a child’s learning journey, as they allow them to visualise and understand a math problem or concept better. The scheme offers a clear pathway while allowing staff the freedom and opportunity to deliver stimulating and exciting maths lessons. Teachers will regularly review, assess, supplement and adapt the scheme of work to make sure that it meets the children’s emerging needs.  Staff will endeavour to give same day intervention to ensure that all children reach a certain level of understanding by the end of the day.  The teaching of Mathematics at Bridgtown Primary School provides opportunities for group learning, adult guided groups, paired learning, whole class teaching and individual learning. Opportunities for extra fluency practice (instant recall of key facts, such as number bonds, times tables, division facts, addition and subtraction facts) will be provided during and outside mathematics lessons. Years 1 to 4 use Fluency Bee for fifteen minutes four times every week. Fluency Bee is a structured teaching programme designed to give children confidence with numbers through varied and frequent practice. It's an easy way to build number sense and develop a range of core skills. Alongside Fluency Bee, TT Rockstars is used in years 3 and 4. When children move into upper key stage 2, they have the opportunity to recall and recap multiplication tables to further develop their automaticity. Interventions are put in place to support children who did not meet their expected standard in the multiplication check.

We have a defined end point that we want children to reach.  Aiming to get all children to the expected standard by the end of Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  NFER tests are delivered termly and the expectation is for children to attain a standardised score of 100 or an improvement to their score.    We want to ensure that Maths offers the children a strong foundation for high school ensuring that the children are able to obtain at least a Grade 4 by the end of their school life.  Through maths we aim to open up opportunities for our pupils and their future careers.

A White Rose Maths intervention is in place to support children who are not meeting the expected standard. All staff delivering the programme have received training and the programme can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual learner. The Primary Intervention Programme provides guidance to support children in understanding of key number concepts. It is aimed at years 1 to 6 and supports the learning within the classroom.


Calculation Policy


Maths in EYFS

Number fluency is continually developed within early years: our Mathematical curriculum covers ‘Number, Measure, Shape & Spatial awareness. Children participate in short Maths sessions daily and are given time to explore mathematical concepts, test ideas, develop their understanding and practise taught skills through our continuous provision. Maths can be found in all areas of our provision and children experience it in a purposeful and meaningful context within their play and daily routines. Our mud kitchen, construction areas, Forest School and domestic role play are just some of the areas in which children can explore number, shape, space and measures. Children are encouraged to use their mathematical understanding and skills to solve real-life problems and practitioners are trained to identify and extend opportunities to foster this.


What does Maths look like in EYFS?


Maths in KS1 & KS2

We use daily Maths in everyday life, whether it’s every time we measure ingredients when preparing a meal or figuring out the best deal while shopping, Maths application is what we rely on. This enables us to make informed choices and navigate the complexities of a modern world. Understanding and using Mathematical concepts and being numerate, helps children know and describe the world around them and make meaning of these encounters. It is, therefore, an essential skill for successful daily life.

Our Maths curriculum is designed:

  • to enable our children to become independent, respectful and successful adults in terms of being able to find employment in the future and lead mathematically literate lives
  • to promote healthy brain function
  • to improve problem solving skills
  • to promote logical, reasoning and analytical thinking
  • to provide a relevant, progressive and well-structured Maths curriculum which enables children to develop and master a wide range of skills and open up different career paths
  • to make sense of number, pattern and shapes they see in the world around them, offers ways of handling data in an increasingly digital world and makes a crucial contribution to their development as successful learners

Our Maths curriculum is structured providing for each key stage and year group:

  • A clear list of end points
  • Progressive knowledge and skills which will shape children as mathematicians
  • A clear list of vocabulary both appropriate to Maths and progressive through the key stages


Long term plan

Medium term plan- Year 1

Medium term plan- Year 2

Medium term plan- Year 3

Medium term plan- Year 4

Medium term plan- Year 5

Medium term plan- Year 6

Progression of skills documents

Place Value

Addition and Subtraction

Multiplication and Division

Fractions: including decimals and percentages

Ratio and Proportion



Geometry: Properties of Shape

Geometry: Position, direction and movement
