Bridgtown Primary School

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North Street, Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0AZ

01543 227100

Bridgtown Primary School


  1. Curriculum
  2. RE

Curriculum - RE

At Bridgtown Primary School we envisage an inclusive environment that fosters a diverse curriculum. Religious Education will enable us to recognise everyone’s uniqueness and celebrate their diversity, interests, cultures and talents. We deliver our curriculum whilst following the Staffordshire agreed syllabus of learning. We encourage our children to celebrate their differences whilst learning about other cultures and beliefs. Religious Education will help build tolerance and acceptance within the school environment that can then be transferred into the wider community.  


RE splodge


Curriculum Rationale

Christianity is at the heart of the Bridgtown curriculum alongside other key religions. These are as follows:

EYFS- The main aim is to build a sense of self awareness and their own community with links to Christianity, other religions and celebrations are discussed where deemed appropriate.

KS1- Christianity and Islam

KS2- Christianity, Islam and Judaism

Alongside these key religions, other religions will be discussed and explored. The curriculum also aims to represent the views of non-religious members of the community. All learning will be taught with three skills at the core. These skills are exploring, engaging and reflecting on learning.



The curriculum in EYFS is taught by three characteristics of effective teaching and learning. These are playing and exploring, active learning, and creating and thinking critically. EYFS children will gain different skills in order to engage in conversation about their own communities’ religious views. Children will experience Religious Education in one day of learning per half term. This allows the children to fully submerge themselves in the content. They will also experience celebration assemblies where we celebrate all the fantastic things the children have been taking part in.

EYFS link 


RE in KS1 & KS2

The Staffordshire agreed syllabus of learning has been created in order to enable children to flourish in the diverse communities we live amongst. It allows children to share their own thoughts and views whilst learning about other communities. It aims to develop tolerance and understanding for all communities within and around Bridgtown. The curriculum is set within themed days, these are to be completed within the classroom six times a year. These themed days are where children will have time to explore knowledge they already know, this may be their own religious views or knowledge from previous learning opportunities. They will then engage with learning about the theme of the day. Afterwards there is opportunity for children to reflect on their learning and link how their own views are similar or different. Throughout the year, children will also explore different aspects and values by engaging with assemblies. Assemblies are also there to celebrate the achievements of the children in Bridgtown Primary School.


Long term plan


Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6

RE book